Optimizing Mobile App Performance: Why Staying Current Is Vital for Engineers

Enhancing Merchant Experiences at tryperdiem.com: Insights from Our Software Engineers

Doron Segal
2 min readNov 1, 2023

As a mobile engineer, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the tools and frameworks you use. React Native is a popular framework for building mobile applications, and keeping track of the newest features and updates is essential for several reasons:

  1. Performance Improvements: New versions of React Native often come with performance enhancements, which can lead to faster and more responsive mobile apps. This can be crucial for providing a smooth user experience and retaining users.
  2. Bug Fixes: Each new release of React Native typically includes bug fixes and stability improvements. Staying on the latest version can help you avoid known issues and ensure the reliability of your app.
  3. Security Updates: Security is a critical aspect of mobile app development. New versions of React Native may address security vulnerabilities and provide patches to keep your app and its data secure.
  4. Compatibility with Latest OS Versions: Mobile operating systems like Android and iOS frequently receive updates. React Native updates ensure that your app remains compatible with the latest OS versions and takes advantage of new platform features.
  5. Access to New Features: React Native often introduces new features and APIs that can enhance your app’s functionality and user experience. Staying up-to-date allows you to leverage these features and maintain a competitive edge.
  6. Community Support: As you encounter issues and challenges in your development process, having access to a vibrant and up-to-date community of developers using the same version of React Native can be invaluable for getting help and advice.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, React Native 0.72 had not been released. The features and improvements in React Native can vary from one release to another, and I do not possess information regarding the specific features in version 0.72 or any versions released after that date. To discover the latest features and enhancements in React Native 0.72 or any subsequent versions, I strongly recommend checking the official React Native release notes and the React Native blog. These sources provide detailed information on what’s new in each release. Additionally, you can explore community discussions and forums to gain insights from developers who have adopted the latest version of React Native.

I encourage every founder or mobile engineer to consistently use the latest versions of tools and frameworks. However, it is essential to ensure that the newest version does not adversely affect your current app and does not break existing features.

At Per Diem (tryperdiem.com), we are constantly striving to enhance our customers’ experience by improving every aspect, including push notifications, faster checkout, product recommendations, and more.

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Doron Segal

Rational optimist, Dad, Tech founder, Environmentalist, CTO Founder @TryPerDiem.com